Autonomous research
"respect if you want to be respected"
Students' answers about respect:
How do you expect to give respect to your tutor? What does respect look like/mean to you?
1. By actively listening and engaging in discussion. Trying to get the best out of what she intends to teach me.
2. Knowing that everyone’s opinion is worth being heard and should be heard.
I give respect to my tutors by paying attention, being involved in the lessons and thanking them for their help.
I would say that respect is translated into action: you can respect someone but you show this respect with your actions.
1. I think i share my respect to a tutor by being present in class, sincere listening and respecting/accepting the lines of his/her way of teaching.
2. Respect for me is to let each other in their worth. Understanding everyone do things differently, see differently, have boundries and dont attack on it.
Respect for me as a tutor is actually exactly the same as for me as a person with friends and family. Respect for me is that we listen to each other, to try not to show impatience, boredom and or disinterest. Look out for each other, taking each other into account.
Respect for me is answering questions, proposals, letters and or emails as soon as possible. Don’t procrastinate.
Everyone, students and tutors should treat each other like adults and professionals. We look each other in the eye while talking to each other, therefore it is important for me that cameras are on during online lessons and / or calls.
Teachers' answers about respect:
How do you expect to receive respect as a tutor? What does respect look like/mean to you?
disrespect in architecture.
a meme
testing with the riso printing in wdka